Directed by Jürgen Scheible
3 hours, $75.
Friday 6-Nov, 2pm-5pm OR Sunday 8-Nov, 9am-12.
Workshop location TBA.
It will help if you’ve done a little programming before.
Note: Nokia phones will be provided (loaned) for this workshop!
Learn how to turn your own idea into a fully working mobile phone application with Python on Nokia smartphones! Whether you want to turn your phone into an art tool, an interaction device or build a locative media app, in this hands-on session you’ll get an introduction to the basics of making such applications. You will learn how to program: text messaging (SMS), multimedia messaging (MMS), the phone’s camera (for photos and video), sound (wav/midi/OSC), interactive graphics, Bluetooth, the phone’s motion sensor, and GPS.
Your Skill Level:
You should have ‘some’ programming experience: e.g. having some familiarity with Flash ActionScript, Processing, Javascript or PHP or something alike. Familiarity with the Python programming language will be very helpful, but is not essential, as we will learn Python as necessary while doing our hands-on coding.
What You Should Bring:
- Nokia smartphones will be provided for the duration of the workshop!
- Bring a laptop (Mac, Linux, PC) with built-in Bluetooth;
- Only if you’re bringing a PC with Windows:
You can install beforehand the Nokia PC Suite
(Choose phone model Nokia N96 or Nokia N82)
Useful Resources:
Jürgen’s book, Mobile Python
Jürgen’s PyS60 Tutorial
More Workshops at Mobile Art && Code