Directed by Hans-Christoph Steiner
3 hours, $75. Two options are available:
Sunday 8-Nov, 9am-12 OR 2pm-5pm.
Workshop location TBA.
It will help if you’ve done a little programming before. Also, see “What you should Bring”, below.
Art && Code veteran, Hans-Christoph Steiner, returns to help us turn your iPhone or iPod-Touch into a programmable, interactive sound-processor! Create a variable echo, whose timing varies according to the phone’s tilt-sensor. Create an audio synthesizer that responds to your gestures, accelerations and touches. Abuse the extensive sound capabilities of the Pure Data programming language to blend locativity, generative music, audio analysis, and synthy goodness. If you’re familiar with the awesome RjDj, then you already know the possibilities of Pure Data on the iPhone.
OK, kids, you won’t believe how easy this is. Once you have Pure Data installed on your your iPhone or iPod-Touch, creating and uploading your own sound-processing and sound-generating patches is as trivial as copying a text file to your device! Because Pd patches are treated as media files, they don’t have to go thru Apple’s elaborate code review — so, you can just dive right in, turning your phone into a pocket synth within minutes. In this 3-hour hands-on workshop, interactive sound whiz and Pure Data developer Hans-Christoph Steiner will lead you through all the steps.
Your Skill Level
All levels of skill are OK as long as you have done something with Pd or Max/MSP before. It would help a lot to run through the Pd audio tutorials before attending. This hands-on workshop is especially well-suited for electronic musicians and other people who have a experience programming sound. Some knowledge of sound analysis and synthesis techniques will go a long way.
What You Should Bring
You’ll need to bring your iPhone or iPod Touch, your own laptop, and the data cable you use to connect your device to your laptop. Owing to a terrific hack, you won’t even need an Apple Developer License for your device!
More Information
Pd (aka Pure Data) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing. Pd is free software, and works on multiple platforms, and therefore is quite portable; versions exist for Win32, IRIX, GNU/Linux, BSD, and MacOS X running on anything from a PocketPC to an old Mac to a brand new PC. Recent developments include a system of abstractions for building performance environments, and a library of objects for physical modeling for sound synthesis. Pd now works on the iPhone, too! – Information about Pure Data
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