Director, Workshop in:
Design Technology for Mobile Experiences: How To Do Things With Phones – Julian’s personal page – Julian’s design+think tank
Julian Bleecker is a designer, technologist and researcher at the Design Strategic Projects studio at Nokia Design in Los Angeles and co-founder with Nicolas Nova of the Near Future Laboratory, their design-to-think studio.
He lectures and leads workshops on the intersections of art, design, technology and the near-future possibilities for new social-technical interaction rituals. He has taught interactive media at Parson’s School of Design and the University of Southern California.
Julian has given talks and exhibited many of his emerging technology projects, designs and concepts in venues such as SIGGRAPH, LIFT, Xerox PARC, O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference and Where 2.0 Conference on Location-Based Technology, Ubicomp, Ars Electronica, ACM SIGCHI, ACM Advances in Computer Entertainment, Banff New Media Institute, American Museum of the Moving Image, Art Interactive, Boston Cyberarts Festival, SHiFT, Reboot, Eyebeam Atelier, and SK Telecom’s Art Center Nabi.
He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University, a Master’s Degree from the University of Washington, Seattle, in Computer-Human Interaction, and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Santa Cruz where his dissertation is on technology, culture and entertainment.
He was formally a Professor of Interactive Media at the University of Southern California. He serves as an adviser to the US Pavilion for the Shanghai 2010 World Expo, and is on the board of advisors the Lift Conference and can often be found jurying international art-technology conferences. He is presently conducting a research study on the relationships between art, technology and innovation practices under a grant from the University of Southern California’s Provost’s Office and completing a book on “New Interaction Rituals” and a pamphlet for the Architectural League on urban networks.
Current interest are best represented by recent topics on this blog, including Design, Science Fiction, Film, Urban Space, Future Things and strategies for thinking about and creating conversations that lead to more habitable near future worlds.
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