Co-Host, Master’s Seminar: Critique + Pro Brainstorming Sessions – Frauke’s blog – Frauke’s CV
Frauke Behrendt is a researcher, historian and critical theorist interested in the role of sound in the areas of interactive art, locative media and mobile technology. She studies the increasing number of artists experimenting with mobile phones as means of audience participation in their sound/music-focused projects. Frauke is actively involved with the rapidly growing field of mobile music and is on the steering committee of the International Workshop of Mobile Music Technology. Currently she is completing her PhD at the Department of Media and Film Studies at the University of Sussex, England. Frauke has presented her research at various international conferences and published her research both in English and German. Recently she presented a paper on “Sound Art on the Move” at the SoundAsArt Conference in Aberdeen and published the conference paper “Mobile Music Technology: Report on Emerging Community”, presented at the 2006 Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME-06) at the IRCAM Center in Paris. Her Master’s thesis was awarded a research prize on Digital Media and published as “Handymusik. Klangkunst und ‘mobile devices’ ” in Germany in 2004.
Frauke works on several commercial and governmental advisory committees to help steer progress in mobile and locative media. She has been appointed as Management Committee Member for Germany and is Chair of the Working Group “Interactive Art and Music”. Her work in Sonic Interaction Design is funded by COST (European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research). Frauke is also a Member of the Centre for Material Digital Culture at Sussex, which aims to re-connect media studies with forms of thinking that have traditionally been marginal to the discipline, but which have been more centrally concerned with thinking through early techno-culture: in particular medium theory, cultural geography, and science and technology studies (STS). Frauke is also a Member of the Steering Committee of the International Workshop on Mobile Music Technology
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