Directed by Memo Akten and Zach Gage
3 hours, $75. Two sections are available:
Friday 6-Nov, 9am-12 OR Sunday 8-Nov, 9am-12.
Workshop location TBA.
Programming experience is recommended.
Learn to create custom software on your Apple iPhone or iPod Touch with openFrameworks, a free, open-source, cross-platform programming toolkit for interactive graphics! Through openFrameworks’ C++ API, you’ll have direct access to your phone’s OpenGL-based graphics, accelerometer/tilt sensor, sound, multi-touch interface, high-quality typography, and lots of other functionality. Because openFrameworks is cross-platform and cross-compiler, you’ll also enjoy nearly seamless code portability between your iPhone programs and other platforms, including Windows, Linux, and MacOSX. This workshop is directed by Memo Akten and Zach Gage — two of the main people behind the port of openFrameworks to the iPhone!
There are a lot of small speed-bumps on the road to getting started with iPhone programming. This workshop will step you through the complete process, including Apple’s mobile provisioning system. By the end of the workshop, you’ll have programmed a simple interactive graphics game, such as PONG(R), which incorporates sound, type, multi-touch interaction, and your phone’s accelerometer. You’ll also learn where you can find more information about using openFrameworks to develop iPhone applications featuring augmented reality (AR) and computer vision.
Your Skill Level
To get the most out of this workshop, you’ll have had a semester’s worth of programming experience in Processing, Java, C++, or a similar language. Some additional experience developing software with openFrameworks, and/or with Apple’s XCode development environment, will be particularly helpful. Lastly: there are a lot of small things to get right with iPhone programming, so you should be detail-oriented and a good note-taker!
What To Bring
You’ll need to bring your iPhone or iPod Touch, with the most recent operating system software for it. You’ll also need to bring your Mac laptop, onto which you have downloaded XCode (Apple’s development environment). Finally, you’ll need to obtain an Apple Developer License ($99) and have downloaded the iPhone SDK from Apple.
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