Organizer, Art && Code Event Series
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Golan Levin‘s pedagogy is concerned with reclaiming computation as a personal medium of expression. To that end, his courses are designed to give students the confidence to program their own software creations from first principles. His studio classes focus on significant themes in contemporary electronic media arts, such as interaction design, computational form generation, information visualization, and audiovisual performance. These function as “studio art courses in computer science,” in which the objective is to produce personally and socially relevant expressions, but the medium is software created by the students themselves. Golan’s own work investigates formal languages for visualization and interactivity in cybernetic systems. He is known for the conception and creation of Telesymphony, a concert whose sounds are wholly performed through the carefully choreographed ringing of the audience’s own mobile phones, and for interactive information visualizations like Secret Lives of Numbers and Dumpster, which offer novel perspectives onto millions of online communications. Golan has exhibited and performed widely in Europe, America and Asia.
Golan is Director of the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry and Associate Professor of Electronic Art at Carnegie Mellon University, where he also holds courtesy appointments in the School of Design and the School of Computer Science.
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